Now that you have the file unziped to a temp directory, run the Setup.exe file, it will install the script (you must install it to c:\rabid, if you place it in another directory it will not work). After setup is done you should either continue reading this file or start the help file up.
Now copy your old mIRC32.exe file to C:\RABiD and C:\RABiD\clones After you do that read section 2.
2 - Running For The First Time
Start RABiD up by clicking on the iCON. When it starts up, it will connect to the server (if the server is up and working). After it connects you need to set all your settings. This will set all your default stuff for the script to use.
A menu should come up asking for settings, and telling you how to do them, if it doesn't come up, type /settings.
Now.. continue Reading :)
3 - Any Questions?
Now you are done setting up RABiD. If you have anymore quesions about the script or if you want to know some of the commands.. type /rhelp or click on the iCON for the RABiD Help file.
Any other quesions that you can't find in the Help file, mail them to
4 - Copyright and Disclamer
If this script causes you to loose your life/mind/eyesight/compter or causes any other damage the writer of this script (AnTiExE) is not to be held responsable for what happens.
This script and all it's parts including this file and the RABiD ascii at the top of this file are all copyright AnTiExE 1996 all rights
5 - Thanks
A special thanks goes to DonDon, Bink, The_Viper, Uniform, Alura, Hexadec, and the rest of the #mIRC-Scripts crew. If it wasn't for them I would have gone insane trying to figure some of this stuff out for this script.
- #Virii
Well, some of these people didn't help me write this script, but, they inspired me to write one, because if you don't have a good script on this channel, you will not survive very long.
Senior Members - FA-Q, Axehandle, Calldan, LwnmorMan, AnTiExE
Members - ki||er5, trustno1, theLURK3R, _ReFluX_, iCBM, U-PhoRiA, oXSmAsHXo, Wrd